Bia Basílio’s bow-and-arrow for absolute gold at the Vitória Open
08/16/2018 |
Written by: Graciemag Newsroom
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Basílio attacks in the absolute final.
Fighting at the Vitória Open, held this month in Brazil, the small and energetic Bia Basílio (Almeida JJ) put on another show of technique. After taking silver at middleweight, Bia got back up and fought for gold in the absolute division. She faced Juliana Simões (Atos), and the two had a final with lots going on. To decide the fight in her favor, Bia used her pressure in the guard pass to reach side control and score three points. From there, after she reached the back, she set up her bow-and-arrow attack to secure the win. In the following video, you can watch Bia’s tight transitions until she gets her opponent to surrender.
Desde que Tyson surgiu como um estrondoso meteoro nos ringues, nos anos 1980, os fãs de Jiu-Jitsu bombardeavam Rickson com perguntas sobre como faria para subjugá-lo numa eventual disputa. Quando ambos estavam no auge, o Gracie chegou, via emissoras e revistas americanas, a se oferecer para dividir o ringue com Tyson:
“Espero que Mike Tyson aceite meu desafio. Tenho meios de enfrentá-lo e até de fazê-lo jogar a toalha. Ele é especialista em dar socos, mas eu sei bem mais do que isso.”