The Cascao Jiu-Jitsu team ready for the Vegas Summer Open. Photo: Personal Archive
If you’ve checked the athlete list for the 2014 IBJJF Vegas Summer Open, you’ll see that Walter “Cascao” Vital has unleashed his students. The GMA Cascao Jiu-Jitsu team tops the list as the most competitors registered and the hometown team hopes to bring home the team trophy this weekend on Aug. 9.
We decided to ask Walter Cascao two quick questions about what this event means for the team:
GRACIEMAG: What does it mean for the Cascao Jiu-Jitsu team to win in their hometown?
WALTER CASCAO: I’ve aways thought that competition gives motivation to achieve a goal; to demonstrate determination, and perseverance to overcome challenges. Winning a competition in your hometown with the support of the entire team it’s a good way to make them understand that hard work and commitment leads to a greater chance of success.
How much importance do you place on competition for your students?
BJJ tournaments bring together competitors from different ages, weight, and skill levels. it is a chance for me and my students to show that all the time spent on the mat, training, eating right, and preparing for the fights is worth it.
Follow the action live at the Sport Center of Las Vegas this weekend and learn more about Cascao Jiu-Jitsu at www.facebook.com/cascaojiujitsu