8th Arizona Open: Bendo, Tanquinho are in. Register today

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Ben Henderson is one of the big names at the 8th Arizona Open

Ben Henderson is one of the big names at the 8th Arizona Open

Black belt Gustavo Dantas reminds all that today is the final deadline to register for the 8th Arizona Open Jiu-Jitsu Tournament.

The event takes place next weekend, March 8 and 9, at Phoenix College in Phoenix.

Pan American and WPJJC champion Augusto “Tanquinho” Mendes is enrolled in the black belt adult division.

UFC’s lightweight champion Ben Henderson is registered in the brown belt adult division, among other big names.

The registration period ends today at 11:59 p.m. MST

So don’t miss out and register today.

It’s open for kids, juveniles, adults and master and seniors, men and women.

The 8th Arizona Open will have live coverage from GRACIEMAG.

To register, go to  gdjjevents.com or call 855-490-8880


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