Who’s with you from white to black belt

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Inaugural Pan Kids, in Cali. Photo: John Lamonica.

GRACIEMAG is the magazine that wants to be by your side at every belt promotion, every victory achieved. Even more than that, though, our mission is to help you make it past each stage, succeed in your endeavors.

To do so, GRACIEMAG wants to change and improve and be more enjoyable to readers of all ages, practitioners and Jiu-Jitsu fans from nine to ninety years of age.

Yes, to change, but maintaining the quality you’ve come to appreciate. As our reader Marcos Cunha said right here on GRACIEMAG.com:

“GRACIEMAG is way ahead of the rest. The quality of the texts (most important), articles that break the mold, and I’ve never seen it leave out a standout fighter, regardless of his academy. Not to mention the cutting edge positions and correctness of the information provided. Guys at GRACIEMAG, you are light-years ahead and I haven’t any doubt that this new stage you’re at will be even better!”

That’s why we work hard and take it seriously.

Now the greatest Jiu-Jitsu magazine in the world will also offer the best from the MMA world, as seen through the prism of ground-fighting specialists, by way of a new supplemental magazine.


And the news doesn’t end there.

Ever since GRACIEMAG expanded its distribution beyond Brazil’s borders in April 2006, the articles were published both in Portuguese and English. Starting this issue, though, the international issue will be published solely in English.

Thus we gain room to deliver readers more content, and to provide our team of artists greater flexibility with which to design pages that are more creative and pleasant to read, an important endowment considering how GRACIEMAG is used as a tool for learning lessons and techniques, like a portable Jiu-Jitsu academy.

Further reason for you to – starting now – secure your NEW GRACIEMAG every month, with ever more succulent articles on Jiu-Jitsu, health and the MMA universe.

This month, in bookstores across the country or right in your own home, by clicking here.

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