Wrestling champion teaches a single-leg counter for no-gi BJJ

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Pedro Rocha shows you how to avoid the takedown and come out on top.

With the Brazilian National Jiu-Jitsu No-Gi Championship coming up (Sep. 29), flashy positions start popping up on social media, intended for use in this sort of competition. With the event in mind, today Graciemag brings you an option to defend against and take advantage of a single-leg attack.

The instructor is Pedro Rocha, a wrestling champion from Soul Fighters. Experienced in no-gi positions, Pedro recruited his buddy Domenico Novello to show a counter-attack against the takedown. First, Pedro indicates where the grips must be made in this no-gi scenario, to then stress the advance of the leg that isn’t under attack in order to improve the spin that ends with him on top.

Watch it here and surprise your next opponent.

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