Review week at Renzo Gracie Online Academy

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This week at Renzo Gracie Online Academy, you will revisit basic positions that we’ve looked at throughout the course, being reminded of adjustment and movement details. These are fundamental topics that must be often looked at if the student is to refine their technique in search of maximum efficiency.

For example, Leo Tunico talks about general open guard notions. How must one break their opponent’s posture with a hand on the collar? How to control the distance with one foot on the passer’s hip? Tunico has the answers here:

Robsinho Gracie teaches a simple way for you to defend against a back attack. By mastering this technique, you will ensure that you’ll never again get scared and try to brute-force your way out of an attack to your back.

Your takedown lesson reminds you how to nail the sumi gaeshi.

Finally, in your lifestyle lesson, you can get inspired by Jimmy Pedro’s thoughts on the art of challenging yourself:

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Go to Back Escapes complete program -> gallerr/rgoa/backescapes

Go to Open Guard complete program -> gallerr/rgoa/openguard

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