Igor Silva beats Russian in Moscow as Brazil advances in World Cup

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Igor SIlva following an important win at ACB JJ. ACB JJ

Last weekend, ACB Jiu-Jitsu held its 14th edition in Moscow. One of the athletes invited to take part in the event was Igor Silva, who faced Russia’s own Abdurakhman Bilarov and achieved his third win fighting for the organization this year.

“It was a tough fight,” he said. “I adapted throughout and was strategic during the match. I wound up getting a good advantage in round two, which gave me peace of mind for round three. I was very happy with the win, especially because I closed this season as the athlete with the greatest number of wins in my category. I hope this factor helps me and that I get the chance to fight for the title in my next match.”

During his stay in Moscow, Igor also scored a ticket to watch the World Cup match between Brazil and Serbia, which he called a unique experience. “From the national anthem to the 2-0 win. It was all very cool.”

Well done, Igor. Now enjoy your time off as you await the birth of your baby girl, and see you soon.

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