Worlds: Leandro Lo and Michael Langhi in lightweight final

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Leandro Lo plays guard vs. Lucas Lepri. Photo: GRACIEMAG.


Two-time lightweight champion Michael Langhi (Alliance) had told GRACIEMAG he was as well-prepared as ever this year. And he proved it this Sunday as he reached yet another final. Yesterday he had a complicated bout vs. Nathan Mendhelson, which he won by a single advantage. Today he scored 6-2 over Zak Maxwell and also swept Rodrigo Caporal to win a safe 6-4 and move on to the final.
On the other side of the bracket, sitting lightweight king Leandro Lo (Cícero Costha) passed Vinicius Marinho’s guard with confidence, then held back Lucas Lepri, and will now attempt to become a two-time winner himself.


Rodrigo Caporal defeated Claudio Caloquinha by 1 adv.
Lucas Lepri defeated Rodrigo de Freitas

Michael Langhi defeated Zachary Maxwell 6-2
Leandro Lo passed Vinicius Marinho’s guard twice, 6-2


Michael Langhi defeated Rodrigo Caporal 6-4
Leandro Lo defeated Lucas Lepri by 1 adv. on 0-0

FINAL: Leandro Lo vs Michael Langhi

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