Who’s fighting in the black belt open?

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Rodolfo Vieira. Photo: Marcelo Dunlop/GRACIEMAG 

The race for the most coveted title among black belts starts on Saturday, but sign-up started earlier today in Long Beach. Some teams have already chosen their duos to try and land atop the podium.

CheckMat is going with sitting open-class champ Marcus Buchecha, as well as João Assis. Also representing the team are Renato Cardoso and Tarcísio Jardim. Ricardo Evangelista and Rodolfo Vieira will be striving to give the title to GFTeam.

Alliance has Bernardo Faria and Léo Leite. Gracie Barra’s chances lie in the hands of Roberto Tussa and Orlando Sanchez. Atos’ André Galvão is still without a partner, as Claudio Calasans will not be competing in the open this year. DJ Jackson steps in bearing the Lloyd Irvin banner, and lightweight Leandro Lo is also set to compete.

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