Share it They are cousins, they were professor and pupil and they were friends. Even so, they were the best of their time. Here’s what Rigan Machado remembers of the day he had to compete against Rickson Gracie. Ler matéria completa Read more TAGS: BJJGracie familygracie jiujitsuGRACIEMAGjiujitsumachado brosRickson GracieRigan Machado
Video compiles the highlights of ADCCs 2011, 2013 and 2015 The ADCC is the most prestigious grappling organization in the…
Ricardo de la Riva recounts creation of his guard, historic roll with Murilo Bustamante Ricardo de la Riva developed a guard that revolutionized BJJ.…
The historic fight of Roberto Gordo and Wallid Ismail with Carlson as ref The leader of Start Jiu-Jitsu, in the U.S., Roberto Gordo…