Tererê: “Let them know I’m coming back”

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When a voice sounded over the Nextel radio of Professor Elan Santiago (Alliance), he couldn’t believe what who it was.

– Hey, man! How’re you doing?

So Elan answered. It was the lively voice of the old Fernando Tererê, the Jiu-Jitsu champion who has been hospitalized in a rehabilitation clinic in Sorocaba, Sao Paulo state, for the last two months. So they had a conversation like they hadn’t had in years.

– How much do you weigh now?

– I’m already at 82kg!

– Shoot, you’re going to have to drop some weight then, aren’t you? – Elan joked, choking with emotion inside. After all, Tererê weighed as little as 70kg during the worst moments of his depression. According to his brother Patrick, the owner of the Nextel, Fernando had already put on mass: “He’s got his big cheeks back, he’s doing great!”

The family needs 10 thousand reais or he’ll have to leave the clinic,”

According to the doctors at the clinic, just 15 days ago Fernando understood exactly what his situation was. He’s seeing excellent results in treatment, detoxification was a success and the black belt is eating well. But he still needs another three months in the clinic to get cured, or in other words, the battle is just beginning.

“My aunt [Lena, Tererê’s mother] is worried, because we’re seeing the results but we don’t have money. Beyond board, their expenses include a series of medicines, laundry and other necessities, so they are running out of money. We need to hit up Fernando’s true friends so he can carry on in being saved. The family needs 10 thousand reais or he’ll have to leave the clinic,” Elan told GRACIEMAG.com.

Before returning the radio to his brother Patrick, Tererê asked how things were going and sent out a message:

– Give everyone my best, alright Elan? Let them know I’m coming back.

Anyone who wishes to help by donating to the Terere fund via Paypal may do so through Marcelo Garcia’s Terere Help Fund, clicking the link below.


The Brazilian bank account the family set up for anyone who would like to help is:

Banco do Brasil

Agência: 0525-8
Conta Corrente: 24611-5
Carlos Augusto da Silva (Tio Barriga)
CPF: 495662967-20

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