Red belt Mansur Dec 5 seminar in Santa Cruz

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Mansur (in the middle) at Long Island Pride tournament; photo: Chris Scanlon

Alvaro Mansur is a ninth-degree red belt, the highest ranking instructor there is. And the foremost authority on Jiu-Jitsu rules and regulations at the IBJJF and founder of Kioto Jiu-Jitsu Academy will be teaching a seminar on December 5 at the academy of Claudio França, in Santa Cruz, California.

Claudio França is the promoter of the US Open tournament with a fifteen year tradition and a student of Mansur’s since he was six years of age. The seminar costs $50 dollars for members of the Claudio França or Kioto Jiu-Jitsu associations and $60 for non-members.

To reserve your place, call Claudio França at (831) 476-7650.

The address is:

Claudio França BJJ Academy

2 – 1507 East Cliff Drive

Santa Cruz, California

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