Overdid it at Carnival? Get Back on Your Feet with Green Juice

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Turbo charge your body with green juice.

It’s party time. And carnival revelers tend to commit excesses. So there’s nothing better than green juice to purge you of toxins and get your body back in shape for the next round.

Recommended by our expert Adriana Gracie, green juice consists of green leafy vegetables, some of the main ones of which are collard greens and parsley and the likes.

The secret is to blend the ingredients with water and down it, without straining or sweetening. Not big on the taste? Add beets, fruit and a bit of honey!

The disintoxicating properties of green juice are ideal for helping you take on the day at full throttle, or to give you that extra boost late in the afternoon.

Check out this video with further details regarding green juice.

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