Outside the octagon, at least, Schaub keeps his promise

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Brendan and Amal with Pachu at Tijuquinha favela / Photo: Carlos Ozório

Brendan Schaub wants to beat Rodrigo Mintotauro this Saturday night at UFC Rio. What’s more, he wants to beat Mino using the Brazilian’s main weapon: Jiu-Jitsu.

So if that ends up happening, we’ll see soon. So far, at least, Schaub has made good on his promises – a really significant one.

On a recent trip to Rio when he attended a conference announcing the official card for UFC Rio, Brendan visited an outreach project run by fight Eduardo Pachu at the Tijuquinha favela. He promised that upon his return he would bring equipment for the kids to use in training. According to Schaub’s coach, our GMA Amal Easton, it would all be delivered last Thursday.

“Every American should get to know these kids who have nothing. I learned a lot,” was one of the statements Schaub told GRACIEMAG.com.

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