GRACIEMAG #185: Revolution of the hip

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GRACIEMAG #185: Cover


Wanna learn something new in Jiu-Jitsu? Look for these tips inside your new GRACIEMAG, issue #185:


“All the moves, all the defenses, all the blocks and control situations, everything in Jiu-Jitsu is directly or indirectly connected to the body’s pivot. Therefore, the hips have always been implicit on our covers and in our reports on combat techniques.”

“In this position, Samir Chantre starts trying to pass my guard by grabbing my legs and pushing them to a side. My hand immediately moves to his shoulder to keep him from getting his body over my legs and adjusting the position.”
Caio Terra

GRACIEMAG #185: Dossier











“Technical Jiu-Jitsu athletes are flush up against the guy, their hips moving like greased lighting. When they move, the hips and legs accompany the movement harmoniously. When going for a choke, for example, they attack with more wrist and shoulder than arm.”
Carlos Gracie Junior

GRACIEMAG #185: Face to face











“I tell my patients that our brains have several windows. When we have a problem, that tends to be the only window we open. We have to open others, as well. If four years from now I ask you what the problems you had today were, you wouldn’t be able to remember 95% of them.”
Doctor José Mansur Filho












“About ten years ago I got an ‘earful’ from Vitor Shaolin that helped me a lot. I was a scrawny yellow belt, and I’d go to Nova União with my older brother. I was a really young yellow belt, and Shaolin would only roll with me when he was running on fumes, just to keep moving. At the start I was kind of afraid because I couldn’t do anything against him. So he told me, ‘Let’s go; stop being afraid. You have to attack me to not get attacked. You can’t stop!'”
Gilbert “Durinho” Burns

GRACIEMAG #185: White page













“Fedor [Emelianenko] was the best ever. You just need to watch. He’s not the most technical ever, he’s not the biggest guy ever, he’s not the most shredded ever, but his feeling and his timing, and his spirit… He doesn’t care how big the other guy is, and his transition is always so good. I try to emulate him in the way that he fights.”
Ronda Rousey












“One day, I bought GRACIEMAG before a competition, and I went and competed without having read it. I lost the tournament because of a flaw I had in defending my back. Upon arriving home, I opened the magazine and saw the exact position my opponent used to stall the fight from back control on page 64!”
André Sena, reader

GRACIEMAG #185: Training Program











Those and other lessons you find in the new GRACIEMAG.

GRACIEMAG #185: Antology












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