4 attacks and 1 escape to slick up your triangle for training today

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The triangle is a weapon frequently used at champions, as Thiago Barreto helped prove at Rio Open 2012. Photo by Gustavo Aragão/GRACIEMAG.

If the triangle isn’t the most popular move in Jiu-Jitsu, it may be the most dreaded. There isn’t a practitioner out there who likes getting caught between an opponent’s legs and starting to see the lights go out.

So what’s the trick to properly adjusting the triangle? “There are a number of tips. It’s important to do repetitions and pay attention to the details. For example, if you pull your foot you may lose the position, since it’s tighter if you grab your shin,” says black belt Jorge Neném in dissecting the hold.

GRACIEMAG.com dug up four good videos for you to sharpen up your attacks, plus one good defense, should you get caught in a trap by a training partner who’s tuned in to GRACIEMAG.com too.

In step with this month’s issue of GRACIEMAG, there’s an omoplata to triangle in there. Pay close attention and enjoy your training.

1. Rafael Formiga teaches triangle from knee-on-belly.

2. Jorge Neném teaches triangle from side control.

3. Viscardi Andrade and the triangle from spider-guard

4. Fred Roda teaches armbar-omoplata-triangle variation


5. Santino DeFranco teaches to escape the triangle.

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