120 different ways of pushing up, by Martin Rooney

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GRACIEMAG’s resident fitness expert Martin Rooney is an exercise collector.  Over the last decade traveling the globe, he has discovered over 120 versions of the pushup and has created his first app to challenge you with his entire collection called Pushup Warrior.  If you have an iPhone, iPod or iPad, enjoy body weight training or are looking for a new variety of workouts, Pushup Warrior has what you need. For added incentive to check out this best-selling app, here are the top 5 reasons you should get Pushup Warrior:

1.  Relative body strength is critical for success on the mat.
2.  The pushup is a fantastic way to develop upper body and core strength.
3.  The app records all your pushups and rates your progress for continued motivation in 2012.
4.  With over 60 different workouts, you will not run out of training ideas.
5.  At .99 cents the app cost less than the amount of change in your couch cushions.

Pushup Warrior is the new App released by Martin Rooney

Pushup Warrior is the new App released by Martin Rooney

If those reasons don’t grab you, here are a couple more that might work:

6.  Pushup Warrior will help you get so strong you will eventually view the pushup as an Earth Down.
7.  Chuck Norris will have a poster of you in his room when you reach Pushup Warrior red belt.
8.  You can finally stop buying schmedium shirts and go for the large.

Pushup Warrior is available on iTunes and in the App Store or at www.pushupwarrior.com.  Start 2012 off strong and train to take your Jiu Jitsu game to the next level!

Pushup Warrior is the new App released by Martin Rooney

Pushup Warrior is the new App released by Martin Rooney


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