Women in Charge: Gracie Barra presents self-defense program for ladies

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Gracie Barra is bringing a structured self-defense course for women called “Women in Charge” this month. And one of the best things about is it’s FREE.

The four-weekend women’s self-defense course is designed to get you ready for any circumstance, and will cover the most common attacks against women. You will learn several different techniques to prevent attacks and respond effectively with techniques that could literally save your life. Most importantly, you will have tons of fun and get some great exercise through training.

All participants who complete the four-weekend course will receive a special gift from Gracie Barra: one month of free Jiu-Jitsu classes. The “Women in Charge” self-defense course starts this month at participating Gracie Barra academies. Check with your local Gracie Barra for more information.

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