Start 2014 with 10 Jiu-Jitsu resolutions for your life

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A new year has begun and so it’s time to renew your goals for the next 265 days.

Don’t wait up and start new habits today so you can enjoy life’s best.

As you know, Jiu-Jitsu is one of the best tools there is to improve your quality of life.

So, here are the ten Jiu-Jitsu resolutions for 2014.

1 – Start training Jiu-Jitsu: What? You still didn’t join the greatest martial art there is? Find an academy near you right now, enroll and start taking advantages of all the goods the gentle art has to offer. You’ll get fit, you’ll learn to defend yourself, you’ll make lots of friends.

0_KoralGi_StampSite2 – Go back to training: If you already joined Jiu-Jitsu, but for some reason is away from the mats, now it’s the perfect timing to go back. Start the new year with a new attitude.

3 – If you already train, show up at least three times a week: If you want that dreamed next belt, go train. There’s no secret way of getting better in Jiu-Jitsu, but to show up and roll.

4 – Tap more: Leave your pride off the mats. Don’t be afraid to roll with people of higher belts and get submitted. Remember that a black belt is a white belt that did not give up.

5 – Eat healthy, always: Again, there’s no big secret. Your body is your machine. If you put in bad fuel, you’ll run badly or even break down. So, skip the sodas, sweets, red meats and fries and go for the greens, fruits, nuts and fishes.

6 – Compete at least once: Ok, not everybody has that competitor drive, but if you are in Jiu-Jitsu you should try it at least once. The environment of a real live competition will make your blood pump and add an unique experience to your life.

7 – Sign up for a seminar: Even if the level of training at your academy is fine, you should always be looking for ways to fasten your learning process. The biggest stars in Jiu-Jitsu are constantly teaching seminars. Be aware of who’s in your area and sign up to learn.

8 – Go on a BJJ trip: Rio de Janeiro is the obvious destination, but you can choose other places to go and train. Most major academies welcome visitors at a small fee. Gather your friends, pack your gis and go explore the world.

9 – Introduce a friend to Jiu-Jitsu: If you already train, you know how great it is. So, make it a personal challenge to bring a friend to train as well. He or she will thank you for sure.

10 – Be happy and live the moment: John Lennon said that “life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans”. Don’t wait for tomorrow, live today!





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