Megaton celebrates victory in the family and Jiu-Jitsu “Dream Team”

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Wellington Megaton’s venture into the 2010 European Championship last weekend wasn’t easy – and those who follow him on twitter know just what our GMA in Arizona went through.

From Phoenix to Lisbon, Mega traveled with daughter Mackenzie Dern, and couldn’t sleep a wink upon arriving in Portugal.”I’m in the hotel room and just can’t get any shut-eye. It’s 2:50 in the morning, seven hours of time difference between here and Phoenix,” typed @ Megatondias, last Wednesday.

The situation improved as the days went by. In the female division, Megaton was thrilled with the victory of his blue belt daughter: “I’m so proud,” he said. About the bronze medal he sweat to get, the Royler Gracie student and leader of Team Megaton explained, “I lost in the semi-final of the featherweight to Rafael Mendes. He’s a very talented kid and very humble. ”

The tides would turn in the national team championship on Sunday, a European Championship tradition.

“Once again I represented the Brazilian lightweight team. We competed against the teams of France, England and Poland. But our team was the Dream Team. The Brazilian team was composed of Rafael and Guilherme Mendes, me, Bruno Malfacine, Michael Langhi, Lucas Lepri and Reinaldo Ribeiro. Hard nut to crack, huh? We won. ”

With his chest covered in medals, Megaton went to Reunion Island, in the Indian Ocean, to teach seminars and help promote a Jiu-Jitsu championship.

It will take him awhile to get back on Arizona time, but he’ll manage.

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