Master Francisco Sa, 77, passes away in Brazil

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Master Sá and his sons Sazinho (left) and Robson (right)

Jiu-Jitsu lost one of its Masters this past Tuesday in Brazil.

Francisco Sá, 77, passed away due to a heart failure at home in Fortaleza, Ceará.

The red-belt was one of the most respected Professors in Brazil.

In the last months, master Sá was battling a skin cancer.

His son, black belt Francisco Sá (Sazinho), wrote about his father on Facebook: “He was an example in everything he did, and leaves a legacy of endless struggles with morals and honor in martial arts and in particular our Jiu-Jitsu. Dad, thanks for everything, I’m sorry for all the work that I gave to you. Know that my brothers and I will honor your name and its history until the last day of our lives. I do not say goodbye but see you soon. God be with Dad and know that I mirrored myself on you all my life! The pain and the missing is indescribable.”

Master Sá is survived by three sons, black belts Francisco Sazinho, Guybson Sá and purple-belt Róbson Sá.

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