Don your gi and test your mettle at US Open 16

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One of California’s most traditional tourneys is open for registration. Check out the following invitation from Master Claudio França and get ready!

We are happy to announce that U.S. Open has moved to a much larger venue in the beautiful city of San Jose. The tournament will now take place at the San Jose State University Event Center on October 15th and 16th of 2011.

This competition is open to all belt levels in the Junior, Adult, Master, Senior I, II, and III age categories.The fee for early registration is $75.00.

Don’t miss out on this monumental event. After 15 very successful years, the U.S. Open is now entering a new era competition. Register now and be apart of one of the largest and best run tournaments in the world. For any other information please check the website.


Claudio Franca Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu


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