A Freudian question

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Helio Gracie Answers What is Jiu-Jitsu

What is Jiu-Jitsu?

The Austrian Sigmund Freud, father of psychoanalysis, would die asking it to himself.

And he probably wouldn’t find any better place to carry his famous dialogue-based treatments than the mats, where all the fears, weaknesses and behaviors exacerbate.

Anyways, back to our subject, we have our own resources to answer this important question.

Taking as a source the masters, champions and representatives of our art, we’ve put together an e-book, full of great photos and we are giving it as the super welcome gift to our V.I.P. members.

So if you want to know Grand Master Helio Gracie answer to this question, click here and join our V.I.P. area, taking in mind that this is only the first of many presents we have for you.

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