Xande, Rômulo and Celso head to Abu Dhabi

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Xande in San Diego, with Alvaro Romano and Rani Yahya / Photo: Catarina Monnier

A number of top-tier athletes secured their way to the World Pro main event in Abu Dhabi by winning the respective tryouts around the world. However, there are those who would rather sign up and compete paying their own way, as some of the greatest Jiu-Jitsu exponents have.

GRACIEMAG.com has confirmed three big-name fighters who did not compete in the tryouts will be going to the event with the big-money payouts. They are: Xande Ribeiro, Celso Venícius and Rômulo Barral. Things at the event look to heat up even more with the presence of the illustrious black belts.

The organization stresses that there is no need to qualify for the event in Abu Dhabi, it is open to all. Sign-ups are open until the 30th of this month.

Find out more here.

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