Romano’s lectures in China a hit

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Romano taught Ginástica Natural techniques at China's largest school for Olympic athletes, in Beijing.

GRACIEMAG columnist Alvaro Romano is schlepping the benefits of Jiu-Jitsu and Ginástica Natural to the other end of the world.

From April 30 to May 2, the physical conditioning coach was a guest at the gargantuan gymnastics fair traditionally held in Beijing, China.

Check out some photos:

At hotly-disputed physiotherapy and conditioning courses, Alvaro demonstrated the techniques applied by Rodrigo Minotauro in preparing for his fight with Randy Couture, one of the best in the UFC last year.

The personal trainer course conducted by the Brazilian reached max capacity. Everyone wanted to to get a glimpse of Ginástica Natural techniques, which are useful in Jiu-Jitsu training and for improved quality of life and health. Alvaro now heads to Singapore, to share his knowledge there.

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