Jones out of jail, cleared to fight at UFC 197; can’t drive without probation officer’s permission

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UFC 152: Jones v Belfort

Former UFC light-heavyweight Jon Jones is cleared to compete against Daniel Cormier, at UFC 197, in Las Vegas, on April 23.

Judge Michael Martinez ruled today on the Bernalillo County District Attorney request to have Jones’ probation revoked and then reinstated with three new conditions: completing a driver improvement course; agreeing to a curfew; enrolling in and completing an anger management counseling course.

The judge declined to impose a curfew but decided the fighter cannot drive without the permission of his probation officer. Jones is on probation after a conviction for a hit-and-run in 2015 that resulted in injuries to a pregnant woman.

He turned himself in earlier this week after being cited for allegedly engaging in drag racing on the streets of Albuquerque, NM, and was charged with probation violation.

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