Igor Silva to Europe to compete and for tourism

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One of the IBJJF’s main referees, Muzio De Angelis informed GRACIEMAG.com that his student, Igor Silva, will see action on the mats of the European Jiu-Jitsu Championship. Thus, another top-tier competitor will be in Lisbon from the 28th to the 31st of January, to give the heavyweight division a hard time.

Igor (on the right) at No-Gi Brazilian Nationals. Photo: Carlos Ozorio

Igor’s most recent noteworthy result came  at the 2009 No-Gi Jiu-Jitsu Brazilian Nationals, when he won the ultra heavyweight division. In Portugal the Brasa black belt will compete at heavyweight and then make the most of the opportunity to make the rounds as a tourist.

“I’ll compete at the European and then make the most of the trip to do some tourism with my girlfriend. We’d been planning this trip, so we combined the useful with the pleasurable,” said Igor, who also hopes to compete at the Worlds, in California, later this year.

“I tried to get my visa a few times. I hope to manage it this time, because I really want to fight at the Worlds. Last time I was in it, I won. I was a brown belt and I got my black while on the winners’ stand; it was really cool. Now I want to be champion at black belt, too,” he said in finishing.

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