Copa Podio announces next GP with superfights on livestream for Nov. 22

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Some of the Copa Podio athletes to be featured in the Nov. 22 event. Photo: Erin Herle

Some of the Copa Podio athletes to be featured in the Nov. 22 event. Photo: Erin Herle

Copa Podio has announced their next event will take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on Nov. 22.


The event will start at 2 p.m. PST, 5 p.m. EST.

The third season of the middleweight grand prix will feature top athletes:

1) Felipe Pena “Preguiça” (BRA)
2) Cláudio Calasans (BRA)
3) Luiz Panza (BRA)
4) Patrick Gaudio (BRA)
5) Diogo Moreno (BRA)
6) Jon Satava (USA) – presenting
7) Diego Borges (BRA)
8) Gregor Gracie (BRA)
9) Erberth Santos (BRA) – presenting
10) Thiago Sá (BRA)

4_GB72_StampSiteThere will be a no-gi challenge between Gianni Grippo and Joao Miyao. It will be submission-only with no time limit and the rules will allow for reaping and heel hooks.

There will be another submission-only match between Leandro Lo and Gibert Durinho but this one will be in the gi.

Tim Spriggs will face Lucas Hulk in a Brazil vs. USA challenge and in a preliminary match Lucas Valle will match-up against Rafael Mansur.

You can learn more about the event and purchase the livestream at

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