BJJ superathlete Rodolfo Vieira “opens” dressing room to readers

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Rodolfo Vieira rumo ao título, durante semifinal do absoluto em Abu Dhabi, em abril. Foto: Ivan Trindade.

Rodolfo Vieira on his way to the title, during semifinal against Bernardo Faria (on bottom) in absolute in Abu Dhabi last April / Photo: Ivan Trindade

Do you remember when Jiu-Jitsu only cropped up in the news when some kid with gnarly ears would do something stupid? These days, things have changed, though, and the sport’s practitioners are being seen, more and more, as role models and formers of opinion.

That’s one of the assertions made in the latest issue of Brazil’s “VIP” magazine—whose editor Cláudia Lima happens to be an enthusiastic practitioner of Thai boxing. The reason: in the “Cuidados Pessoais” (“Personal Care”) section, on page 135, current absolute world champion Rodolfo Vieira, in the company of Olympic gold medal-winning swimmer Cesar Cielo and tennis player Thomaz Belluci, opens the doors to his “dressing room” and reveals what he always carries in tote to keep up his hygiene.

The “superathlete” (the praiseful adjective is VIP’s) shows that his choices are as simple and efficient as his Jiu-Jitsu: Dove deodorant, Gillette shaving cream, Bozzano lotion, Carolina Herrera perfume, and a minty antiseptic to relieve any unpleasantness anyone who ventures an attack on his feet might encounter.

“I don’t use perfume every day, because I train every day and don’t want to waste it. I only use it when I go out,” explains Rodolfo in the article.

What about you, gentle Jiu-Jitsu practitioner, got any hygiene tips for sparing your partners in training? Share them with us in the comments field below.

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