ADCC Brazilian tryouts: semifinals good to go

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Murilo Santana / Photo: Carlos Ozório

This Saturday marked the first of two days in the Brazilian qualifiers for ADCC 2011, the pinnacle of grappling arts tournaments, set to take place in England this year. The semifinals and finals will be held this Sunday, and the matchups have already been made:



Luiz Big Mac vs. Gabriel Vella

Glover Teixeira vs. Alan Galvão


Augusto Ferrari vs. Mauro Celso

Renato Ferreira vs. Pablo Sacramento


Cláudio Calasans vs. Cristiano Titi

Bruno Távola vs. David Vieira


Rodrigo Caporal vs. Murilo Santana

Ricardo Scalass vs. Antonio Roberto


Caio Izidro vs. Valter Mota

Bruno Frazatto vs. Gabriel Marangoni



Marina Ribeiro vs. Michele Tavares

Michele Nicolini vs. Priscila Hamada


Luiza Monteiro vs. Roberta Paim

Talita Treta vs. Fernanda Mazelli

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