Pan 2010: Alliance white belt winning team

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Alliance gets the best of the white belt dispute.

Fábio Gurgel arrived in Irvine, California, after a marathon 30-hour flight from Bahrain, where he held a week of seminars.

The General can already be head belting orders at Bren’s Events Center, on the second day of competition at the Jiu-Jitsu Pan-American.

Gurgel all ready has reason to celebrate. Alliance won the Novice (white belt) dispute, which took place this Thursday.

Jacaré, Gurgel and Rafael Rosendo. Photos: Ivan Trindade

The team with the Eagle mascot ended the day with 40 points, followed by Gracie Humaitá with 39. Carlson Gracie team took bronze, with 34 points.

The other belts take to the mats this Friday.

Stay tuned to for all the details regarding Pan 2010.

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