Gracie Temecula brown belt donates kidney to co-worker

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Cornier, Dempsey. Photo:

Lance Dempsey, 43, is a Bay Watch captain in Two Harbors, California.

He is also a brown belt at GMA school Gracie Temecula, under second-degree black belt Ricardo Guimarães.

And Dempsey has added a new adjective to his name: hero.

He decided to donate a kidney to his co-worker, patrolman Dave Cornier, giving him the chance of a new life.

Cornier suffers from polycystic kidney disease, a genetic disorder where cysts prevent the kidneys from functioning properly.

Cornier still can’t believe the gift he is receiving:“It is astonishing to me that anybody would be willing to give me this kind of a gift. I was also surprised anytime anyone said they wanted to get tested. I hardly know how to describe it, but for somebody to be willing to go through something like this is such an incredible gift. The compassion and the generosity are off the scale, beyond expectations,” he said to LAist website, who first broke the story.

With our prayers that everything goes well in the transplant procedure, salutes Dempsey for his generosity.

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