Bruno Bastos trains MMA and Jiu-Jitsu with Mike Van Arsdale

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Bruno Bastos with Mike. Photo: Bruno Bastos's personal archives

Bruno Bastos with Mike. Photo: Bruno Bastos's personal archives

Ever-present at major gentle art tournaments, black belt Bruno Bastos moved to Dallas, Texas once and for all, to teach at Octagon MMA academy. Despite the relocation, Bruno hasn’t abandoned competition. Moreover, he’ll be seeing a lot more of it, as he intends to get back into MMA, a style he’s appeared in only a few times.

“I was going to fight at the Steele Cage event as a middleweight, against an athlete named Bobby Harris, but the event was canceled. I’m still training, since I’ll fight MMA here this year. And I’m not setting Jiu-Jitsu aside at all. My objectives are the Pan-American, World Pro and IBJJF Worlds,” says the Novao União representative.

“This Saturday I did a wrestling seminar of former UFC and ADCC fighter, and wrestling world champion, Mike Van Arsdale. I learned a lot. It was sensational. The guy knows a lot! I`ve also trained a lot with Travis Lutter and his folks, as well as training at the academy where I teach, which has excellent infrastructure. I do my physical prep work with Sayif Saud (from coach Greg Jackson’s school) and I’m practicing muay thai with Andrew Goldthwaite, who is excellent,” he says in finishing.

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