Bráulio comments on Renzo’s reverse triangle

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Carcará and his famous reverse triangle

Recently, posted a video of Renzo Gracie training for a fight at Pride FC 2, in 1998. The reverse triangle he performs in the video is one that has gained a lot of fanfare in recent times with Bráulio Estima’s successful use of the move in winning the ADCC.

If on one hand it is now evident the move is no novelty, it is still only fair to credit Estima with the evolution of the submission hold. With his tricks and tweaking of it, one can safely say “Carcará” renovated the move, these days using it in unprecedented situations.

On the video, the black belt from Gracie Barra Pernambuco had the following to say:

“(Laughs) I can’t say I invented it anymore! He (Renzo) went from the reverse triangle to the kimura and I went from the kimura to the reverse triangle (more laughs)!”

But that proves I’m on the right track. If I come close to knowing what Renzo does by forty-four years of age, I’ll be happy!” he says in closing.

Check out Renzo locking up the reverse triangle:

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