Yoga for fighters

A blue belt resident of Peru requested a video of yoga exercises for fighters. Well, there are plenty of videos on the subject on We opted for this one, with Rickson demonstrating a few exercises.

Ginástica Natural for MMA

Did you enjoy that training? Subscribe to GRACIEMAG magazine and you'll get more Ginástica Natural, an excellent way of getting in shape, every month.

That strange day that never comes

each individual has on his own personal calendar that strange day that never comes that writer Luis Veríssimo would tell us about. The day when you lose weight and get a fit body, the day you ask out that pretty girl from the second floor, the day you switch jobs.

Ronaldo and Ginástica Natural

GRACIEMAG columnist Alvaro Romano met soccer star Ronaldo Nazário before the 2002 World Cup, at a time when the “Phenomenon” recovered from a knee injury…

Master Carlos knew it already!

Researchersfrom Florida State University published the discovery that watermelon is a powerful weapon combating heard disease. A popular item in the Gracie Diet, watermelon was…
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