Não alivie a tartaruga

Marcio Feitosa ensina um leque de opções de ataques, para quando o oponente se fechar na guarda-tartaruga. Confira. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbYuIqURrlk

GB purple belts on the rise

The up and coming purple belts from Gracie Barra are turning on the heat. With the schools in Southern California being so relatively new, many…

Get ready with Gracie Barra

On may 8th, the Gracie Barra Competition Network will hold its first event of 2010. But the preparation begins much earleir. From April 11th, at…

Here comes Gracie Barra

Yesterday, you read here that Alliance will gather in Atlanta to train for the 2010 Pan-Ams. Today, we tell you that Romero "Jacare" Cavalcanti and…

Some GMA Twitter facts

RenzoGracieBJJ Ginastica Natural Seminar with at NYC Academy on March 28th http://www.ginasticanatural.com.br/novo/news/index.php?id_noticia_mostra=145 EmiratesBJJ RT: @BJJLegends Abu Dhabi BJJ Pro Canadian trials March 6 http://su.pr/1p3TCz ParagonAcademy…
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