De Demian, sobre Anderson

Em Abu Dhabi, nos aprontos finais para a disputa de cinturão contra Anderson Silva, Demian Maia se prepara ao lado de feras como Xande Ribeiro.…

Demian on Anderson

In Abu Dhabi the final pieces are falling into place for Anderson Silva’s title defense, and Demian Maia is doing his part alongside beasts like…

Letter from Abu Dhabi III

The phone rang at 11 am. I answered still dreaming, I think. “Will you be going on the Dubai tour?” “Not a chance.” “Then head…

Carta de Abu Dhabi III

O telefone tocou às 11 da manhã. Atendi acho que ainda sonhando. “Você vai para o passeio em Dubai?” “De jeito nenhum”. “Então vai lá…

Letter from Abu Dhabi II

There was an open “training session” with the fighters in the hotel this morning. But my eyes first cracked open at 10am, I rolled over…
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