A white belt with black belt lungs

"I recommend readers watch the video below, and always remember: next time someone has you mounted, try and relax and wait for the right moment to escape," says Gui Valente.

As peripécias de Aryzinho

O faixa-marrom Ary Farias ainda é jovem para o rótulo de "Caçador de gigantes". Mas leva bastante jeito para o cargo – como mostrou no último Europeu.

Luiz Alves still in induced coma

Luiz Alves remains hospitalized in Rio de Janeiro. Luiz suffered a stroke while driving on January 26th. The trainer underwent surgery shortly thereafter and remains…

The adventures of little Ary

Ary Farias is still a bit young to be dubbed the “Giant Hunter". But he has quite a knack for the job – as he demonstrated last European Championship
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