Sweep without opening guard!

The guard is a Jiu-Jitsu player's fortress, his defensive fortification. So sweep without opening it up to the enemy, as Andy Roberts (Roger Gracie) proposes you do.

Does anywhere produce as many tough guys as Japan?

Skinheaded Japanese fighter Masakazu Imanari is practically an illusionist in the rings. His low guard, surreal attacks... Check out the last fight of this true nutjob of MMA, but one who despite his brazen lunacy has remained undefeated for two years and retains the Deep featherweight title.

Raspe sem abrir a guarda!

A guarda é a fortaleza do lutador de Jiu-Jitsu, sua fortificação de defesa. Raspe então sem precisar abri-la para o inimigo, como o inglês Andy Roberts (Roger Gracie) sugere.
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