Hannette volta no Pan 2011

O Pan 2011 será o palco para a volta da hexacampeã mundial Hannette Staack. Longe das competições desde o ADCC 2009, a carioca se inscreveu…

Pan Blog: Hannette’s back

And another world champion rears her head at the 2011 Pan. Not having completed since ADCC 2009, when she won the over-60 kg weight class,…

“No guns, no Jiu-Jitsu”

These days, Jiu-itsu is a character all its own in Hollywood action flicks with a bit part (“Matrix,” “Avatar,” “Hulk,” G.I. Joe,” “The Hurt Locker,” “Inception” - you fill in the rest), as a supporting cast member (“Sherlock Holmes”) or even as the leading man (“Red Belt”).